Top Sperm-Friendly and Natural Lubricants for Fertility

All About Pre-Seed, Conceive Plus, and Other Fertility-Friendly, Natural Lubes

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Sperm-friendly lubricants are important when you're trying to conceive. Using common lubricants probably won't keep you from getting pregnant, but they can lower your chances for success. Regular lubricants have been shown in research to inhibit sperm movement, cause DNA damage, and even kill sperm.


Many couples who are facing infertility need to use lubricants. The stress of having sexual intercourse on a "schedule" can often lower sexual desire, which in turn can lead to the body producing less natural lubricant. Also, some fertility drugs can interfere with natural lubrication.

For example, a known side effect of Clomid is vaginal dryness. This can make it more difficult to get pregnant. Some causes of infertility can also mean less fertile quality cervical mucus. So, what can you use? Here are some sperm-friendly lubricant options. All of the following lubricants passed laboratory testing and were deemed sperm friendly.

Conceive Plus

Conceive Plus is FDA approved for trying to conceive couples. This lubricant has been found to be safe for sperm, oocytes, and embryos, making Conceive Plus safe to use in fertility testing and treatment.

Developed and sold by Sasmar, Conceive Plus is the only lubricant that includes calcium and magnesium ions, which helps keep sperm cells healthy. 

Conceive Plus is available in a multi-use tube or as individual applicators. The individual applicators are on the expensive side, costing about $15 for three pre-filled applicators or about $23 for eight applicators. The multi-use tube is a more economical buy.

Pre-Seed (aka PreSeed)

Pre-Seed was invented by Dr. Joanna Ellington, a scientist whose research has focused on sperm physiology. Pre-Seed has been shown to be fertility-friendly in a number of independent research studies.

Like Conceive Plus, Pre-Seed can be used during fertility testing, to help men who need to produce a semen sample for semen analysis, IVF, or IUI cycles. You can purchase Pre-Seed in a tube, along with applicators. Ideally, the product should be applied with the applicator, near the cervix. It is also available in a multi-use tube without applicators.

Yes Baby

Yes Baby is a fertility-friendly lubricant developed in the U.K. What's unique about Yes Baby is that it's certified organic by the U.K.'s Soil Association.

According to marketing information on the website, Yes Baby also takes into account what's best for vaginal health, along with sperm health. The lubricant package comes with two different formulas, one that is sperm-friendly for use during the fertile window, and one that is vagina-friendly, to help restore vaginal pH after ovulation.

That said, it's expensive. A Yes Baby twin pack costs $26.99 at their website, and comes with seven sperm friendly applicators (for during the fertile window), three vagina friendly applications (for after ovulation), and five ovulation tests (so you can be sure to use the sperm-friendly applicators at the right time.) This is only enough for one month's use.

Efficacy of Commercial Lubricants

Using fertility-friendly lubricants have been shown in a lab environment to not damage sperm or inhibit movement. But can the lubricants help you get pregnant? That's highly unlikely.

Some marketing materials and many online reviews may have you thinking that using these lubricants will not only help you conceive—but may even help treat fertility problems. There is no evidence couples using sperm-friendly lubricants will get pregnant faster, and also no reason to believe they will help a couple get pregnant who had been struggling to conceive.

In a case of cervical-related infertility or male infertility, evaluation and treatment of a fertility doctor is needed.

Canola and Baby Oil

If specialty made fertility lubricants are out of your budget, you may want to consider baby oil or canola oil. Research has found them to be safe for those trying to conceive. For ease of use, you can put the oil into a travel size shampoo bottle and leave it by your bedside. 

However, while these oils seem to be sperm-friendly, they have not been shown to be safe for use in fertility testing and treatment. This means you shouldn't use them if you're producing a sample for a semen analysis, IUI, or IVF treatment

Remember, too, that products like baby oil may contain additional ingredients—like fragrance—which may be irritating to the body. The baby oil you purchase may be very different from the baby oil found to be "trying-to-conceive-friendly" in the research.

Cervical Mucus

As mentioned above, some couples have problems with vaginal dryness when trying to conceive or going through fertility treatments. They are lacking the very best lubricant there is: fertile cervical mucus. 

Of course, not every person trying to conceive has a problem with vaginal dryness. But it is possible to create a problem unintentionally. Vaginal cleansers (like douches) can wash away the best lubricant and sperm-friendly option you have. 

There's no reason to use vaginal cleansers; your vagina cleans itself. If you notice a pungent odor or are considered about your vaginal health, talk to your doctor. You may have an infection. In that case, douching won't make it better. It may actually make it worse. 

There are a few things you shouldn't do if you're trying to conceive. Don't try to "wash out" your vagina. Leave those natural secretions alone, and you'll be more likely to get pregnant. 

A Word From Verywell

If you are trying to conceive but are experiencing vaginal dryness, there are several safe and effective lubricants available on the market. It's always a good idea to speak with your healthcare provider before trying a new product while you are trying to get pregnant or undergoing fertility testing and treatment.

4 Sources
Verywell Family uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
  1. Mackenzie SC, Gellatly SA. Vaginal lubricants in the couple trying-to-conceive: Assessing healthcare professional recommendations and effect on in vitro sperm functionPLoS One. 2019;14(5):e0209950. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0209950

  2. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Clomid (clomiphene citrate tablets USP).

  3. Mowat A, Newton C, Boothroyd C, Demmers K, Fleming S. The effects of vaginal lubricants on sperm function: an in vitro analysis. J Assist Reprod Genet. 2014;31(3):333-339. doi:10.1007/s10815-013-0168-x

  4. Sandhu RS, Wong TH, Kling CA, Chohan KR. In vitro effects of coital lubricants and synthetic and natural oils on sperm motility. Fertil Steril. 2014;101(4):941-944. doi:10.1016/j.fertnstert.2013.12.024.

By Rachel Gurevich, RN
Rachel Gurevich is a fertility advocate, author, and recipient of The Hope Award for Achievement, from Resolve: The National Infertility Association. She is a professional member of the Association of Health Care Journalists and has been writing about women’s health since 2001. Rachel uses her own experiences with infertility to write compassionate, practical, and supportive articles.